If you've checked out our website, you may have noticed that we do not adopt out cats to people who have the intention to declaw them. Have you ever wondered why that is? Here's a list of 5 reasons why your cat needs their claws:
1. Cats are natural hunters. Their retractable claws provide them with traction while running and help them catch and hold onto their prey. While indoor cats don't need to hunt for their next meal, the practice of hunting and chasing is still an instinctual part of your cat’s behavior. 2. Claws allow your cat to explore safely. A cat’s claws are curved to help climb up trees and other surfaces to get to safety. For indoor cats, their claws allow them to grip items such as cat trees or furniture, so they don’t fall or slip. 3. Cats love a good stretch. Being able to grip items, like your carpet, allows your cat to twist and stretch the full length of its body, which is not only a good form of exercise, but it’s also a great source of enjoyment for your cat. 4. Claws help cats to communicate. When cats scratch an item, they leave behind a special scent produced from glands on their paws. This allows a cat to leave its signature behind as a message to other cats. 5. Claws are important for a cat's safety. A cat’s claws act as a method of self-defense when faced with a predator. While indoor cats have little need to defend themselves, their claws still offer the security of knowing they have a form of protection. Cats also use their claws to communicate certain messages, for example swatting to communicate the need for distance. Declawing is a big surgery that is usually not beneficial to a cat. At Roy and Cher's Rescue Farm, we do not declaw any of our foster cats and do not adopt them out to those who have the intention to declaw. Ève Tremblay Social Media Community Manager
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